Integral Terminology
We know how confusing documentation can get with all of its terms and nuances, so hopefully we have this page to simplify that. If you want us to add more terms, please contact us!
What is userId
versus an id
Throughout our API, request and responses may show a userId. This can be interepreted as an Integral generated ID, versus your own ID application’s user. Here is the simple description for each:
is the ID generated by Integral and passed back to you.
is the ID you pass to us (and we check for uniqueness for your application) that allows you to easily identify your users without having to store extra information about them.
What is an applicationUser
An Application User is the user that consumes your API. This user is not technically thought of as a user of Integral.
A User is just a user of Integral (that’s you!) who is building an external API
Application User ---Interacts---> User’s external API ---Uses----> Integral